En la AML consideramos que el aspecto más importante para la vida profesional de un logístico es su actualización. Desde el momento en que te inscribes y participas dentro de nuestro Congreso Internacional de Logística y Cadena de Suministro (CiLOG) ya eres miembro de la AML. De este modo, podrás participar activamente en alguna de las Comisiones de Trabajo que hemos conformado: i) Comisión organizadora del CiLOG; ii) Comisión de Capacitación y Actualización; iii) Comisión de Membresías y Capítulos Estudiantiles.

Asimismo, en la AML estamos comprometidos con el reconocimiento a la perseverancia y compromiso con el desarrollo de la efectividad logística, es por ello que, a partir del tercer año consecutivo en que te inscribas y participes dentro de un CiLOG, eres miembro de pleno derecho. Es decir, podrás ser elegido como Coordinador de una de las Comisiones de Trabajo de la AML, paso previo para ser elegible como Coordinador General de la AML.

La Presidencia de la AML es la posición de más alto honor y prestigio de nuestra asociación. Para ser Presidente de la AML se debe haber desarrollado la trayectoria previamente expuesta, pero además, recibir la aprobación del Comité de Honor de la AML y ser el huésped organizador de un CiLOG bajo el nombramiento de Presidente del Comité Organizador del CiLOG. Cada año se reciben múltiples solicitudes para concursar la sede del CiLOG. La decisión se toma durante la Asamblea Anual Nacional de la AML que se realiza durante el CiLOG previo. Para mayor información dar click aquí

About Us?

The AML is a non-profit organization formed by a wide network of supply chain specialists, counting with the best recognition in Mexico.

Mission and vision

Some people only dream about changing their logistics. You are realizing it every day. Our mission is to support your efforts.


Our values enable us to integrate efforts harmoniously to reach common goals that could not be reached individually.

Board Directors

Since nothing in this world can be done without great passion, our board of directors works to help you transform your logistical vision.


Overall View

The increasing wages in China as well as the business conscience to analyze other components of the logistical cost from a global perspective (Total Landed Cost) are working in favor of the return of activities such as Research and Development (R&D) as well as manufacturing and logistics to the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). At the same time, the recent disruptions in global supply chains such as the electronics and automotive sectors, mainly due to natural disasters and strikes, have made the companies think about the long-term implications of keeping key operations overseas.

It is in this context that the Mexican Logistics and Supply Chain Association, A.C. (AML) aims to become the world-class knowledge and technology platform in logistics that Mexico and Latin American region requires to improve its competitiveness. This is why you are welcome to join the endeavor that AML is developing through its various activities. All of them will be properly announced through our social networks, including twitter, facebook, youtube, linkedin and our website.

At the AML, we share the idea that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without great passion; and this is why we wish to support professionals like you, who design and operate the world-class logistics and supply chains our region needs. You are welcome to follow us, but most of all to join and be part of the logistical transformation. We can do it !